Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Week 1

What is your companion and teacher's names? Elder Kale, Daniels-Brown, He is 6 foot 7 with shoes, but loves the gospel, he is a great companion and I've already learned a lot from him. Where are they from? He is from Washington, He is also going to NYU,There are some otehr Elders in my district who are giong to albekurkie New mexico. Where did your teachers server their missions? Brother Deperman served in England, North mission, and hase some fun things that he says like "Spot on!" Do you have any sisters in your group? Yup! they are lots of fun and bring a great spirit to our class, they are sister Perdy and Sister Palmer. My District president is Elder Capener We like to tease him and call him Elder Carpenter, but he doesn't really mind at all and will reply normally. Anybody else in your group from an interesting place or nationality? Most of us are from Utah, but Sister Palmer is from Kentucky and she speaks with a southern accent, it is kinda fun, I will write in my letter a story from her. How is the food? There are always lines, but also there is always mroe than enough food, they are great at having quantity, I like most of the food, at least one line every day, they have 6 lines, and three kinds, which change every day. Are they going to try to give flu shots? They are not, unless I have asthma or something like that, I did finish my Hep.A and B shots, so I am good for life on those! What day is your P-day? Today Do you know what day you leave? The 24th is the day we leave for NY, The albekurkie group leaves teh 23rd though. There are more e-mails, so i will look at those now, Love you!

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